Indonesia Java International Destination

Yogyakarta and Central Java Province has the advantage of tourism and cultural potential that is not owned by a variety of other areas in Indonesia. could be the reason why you chose to visit Indonesia java international destination.

It is the potential of traditional arts, traditional foods, natural wealth through tourism village which has its own characteristics. Foreign tourists and tourists who visit to Yogyakarta will have many choices, so they feel welcome and comfortable during a holiday in this area.

Ngayogyakarta Sultanate Palace as one of the cultural attractions of potential votes among tourists remains the main attraction. Charm and appeal in the Kingdom Nyayogyakarta actually still many who have not exposed, both by local and foreign media,as a cultural icon the valuable Java, being very supportive Kraton Yogyakarta Sultanate as a tourist destination is quite popular.

DIY Province has many tourism products are marketable, namely natural potentials, beaches, mountains, art, special food to hospitality community.
For example, Parangtritis beach. Parangtritis always been famous, not only as a beach resort that has a wide expanse of sand, but it is also known as a place that has many historical relics. The complex consists of Parangtritis Parangtritis Beach, Parangkusumo and Gembirowati plateau.

And other places such as Mount Merapi, one of them merupakn volcanoes in Yogyakarta Special Region. It is located approximately 30 kilometers north of Yogyakarta and the top of the sand plains of uneven. If this mountain in a state of "calm", so fascinating charm, thus stimulating the teenagers who want adventure hiking and sports enthusiasts climb a mountain to conquer peak

Another interesting and must be visited, the temple of Borobudur. Borobudur Temple is one of the best ancient monuments preserved from all over the world even is one of the seven wonders of the world, is a very fascinating tour to Indonesia java international destination. This monument is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and has claimed as a result of human culture is the most frequently visited by more than a million tourists both domestic and abroad to date.

Style of temple architecture of the program that resembles nothing in the world. Structure described terisnpirasi microcosm that often becomes a question arises, for example when, in what way, how long and by whom these nature reserves have been built.
The right answer to this still leaves a mystery since no written documents to date. Based on the inscriptions found by the researchers, noted that Borobudur was built between the eighth century when Samaratungga - king of the dynasty ruled Syailendra in Central Java.

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