How to Avoid Getting Cancer

The following are some tips to avoid cancer, please read and try to put into practice may be useful
  1. Try to eat more fish.

    You ever wonder why a shark and a fisherman never gets cancer? Or very, very rarely do. Because they eat loads of fish, that are extremely high in omega-3 oils!

  2. Step 2
    Take Omega-3 fish oil, especially if you don't like fish.

    Whether this reduces cancer or not is somewhat up in the air. A supplement called DHA kills growing cancer cells and tumors. There's new research from Trinity College Dublin that Omega-3 fatty acids benefit cancer undergoing operations.

  3. Step 3
    Make sure you eat foods high in Omega-3.

    If you don't like fish, which contains the richest amount of Omega-3. Eat walnuts, green vegetables, like green beans, spinach, broccoli. Eat strawberries, squash, legumes.

  4. Step 4
    Drink Green Tea.

    Drink two to three cups a day. Green Tea protects the immune system, and is anti-cancer. In 2005, only 15% percent of people claim they drink green tea on a daily basis. Wow, it's beyond healthy for you! The chinese culture has been drinking it for centuries. This is a great anti-cancer. Start drinking green tea everyday!

  5. Step 5
    Take Virgin Coconut Oil.

    THIS is the important step, don't skip over this one. This is the healthiest oil there is. Its way better than Olive Oil, or anything else. Virgin Coconut Oil is a healer. If you know someone who has cancer, I would strongly suggest they start taking it immediately. Virgin Coconut oil can remove warts, and even scars on your skin. I knew this old guy, who was diagnosed with cancer on his nose. He didn't see any doctor, or take any treatment at all. He just kept rubbing virgin coconut oil on it everyday. The cancer nearly ate his nose away, but it all went away. Virgin Coconut Oil got rid of it. If you ask me, Virgin Coconut Oil is probably the closest cure to cancer that I know of. I've had personal experience using this oil on my dog. I've gotten rid of numerous of small lumps, maybe small tumors growing that he was developing. The oil has really improved his overall health, as well as mine. I will post a good link about Virgin Coconut oil.

  6. Step 6
    Try not to eat foods high in saturated fat.

    This leads to a larger risk in cancer. Eat lean meats, and don't eat lots of trans fats as well.

  7. Step 7
    Make sure you're drinking red wine frequently.

    I've heard that if you drink a glass a day, it reduces lung cancer. If you don't drink, check out resveratrol supplements pills. Check with your doctor. This in general can make you live longer.

  8. Step 8
    Try to quit smoking.

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