Sports can Reduce Obesity Due to Genetic Factors

If you have parents or grandparents who have body fat, then you may become the inheritor of obesity. Because the "fat gene" is capable of passing from one generation to the bottom. It could be for example your current weight, it appears from the decrease in fat genes your parents or grandparents.

In a study conducted by experts, Europeans are champions for the affairs of obesity because the gene. Of the entire sample of respondents surveyed 220 thousand people, descendants of Europeans have the potential for an increase in obesity to 74 percent. Meanwhile, the Africans and their descendants ranks second with 76 percent. And, Asians only ranged between 20-30 per cent that have the potential for obesity.

Obesity is caused by genetic factors appear naturally. You can not change it and it blends in you. Only, you can reduce the percentage increase in obesity by exercising.

According to researchers, as quoted by Rodale News, sport can reduce the risk of obesity due to genes up to 30 percent. You can do so at least one hour to five days of training for one week. If you do have the risk of having this gene, it is highly recommended active exercise. After all, your health benefits will also feel alone.

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