What is the Difference Between Hybrid Cars and Full EV Cars

ev cars

Electric cars or electric vehicles (EV) are currently popular. The domestic automotive market has responded positively to the presence of environmentally friendly cars as a means of transportation.

Apart from having a unique and futuristic design, EVs are claimed to be more environmentally friendly and fuel efficient than conventional cars. This is what fuels automotive enthusiasts' enthusiasm for electric car innovation.

There are at least four types of electric cars that offer a variety of different advantages. Meanwhile, in Indonesia there are at least three types of electric cars on the market.

One type of electric vehicle circulating in the Indonesian market is also popular and attracts the hearts of car lovers, namely the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) or hybrid car.

However, did you know that hybrid cars have a number of differences from pure electric cars.

We conducted a survey to investigate the level of knowledge and behavior of people in Indonesia regarding electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

The survey results showed that as many as 85 percent of respondents thought they understood the differences between electric cars and hybrid cars.

However, when asked further, of the 85 percent of respondents, only 18 percent of them still did not properly understand the difference between electric cars and hybrid cars.

Furthermore, our survey also measured the level of public knowledge regarding a number of detailed information related to electric and hybrid cars.

From the aspect of driving force, for example, 89 respondents understood that hybrid cars have two driving forces, while electric cars only have one driving force. The remaining 11 percent of respondents admitted that they did not know any information about this matter.

We also asked respondents whether they knew that not all hybrid cars require external charging. As many as 84 percent of respondents answered "Yes" and 16 percent answered they didn't know.

Other information that electric cars tend to cover shorter distances than hybrid cars, 84 percent of respondents said they knew. Meanwhile, 14 percent of respondents did not know this information.

Likewise, when confirming the statement that the average mileage of electric cars in Indonesia can reach more than 500 km. As many as 59 percent of respondents said "wrong". This is in line with the fact that only some electric cars in Indonesia can reach this distance.

Understand the difference between hybrid cars and pure electric cars

Distinguishing between electric cars and hybrid cars for some people seems easy and difficult. For this reason, detailed information regarding the differences between the two is needed so that you are not mistaken.

Incorrect understanding will influence people's decisions who plan to buy environmentally friendly cars. So that you don't make the wrong choice, below we summarize the differences between hybrid and electric cars.

The power source for a pure electric car is the battery, so it requires an adequate battery charging system. While a hybrid car is a type of vehicle that uses two or more energy sources as propulsion, a hybrid vehicle does not require external charging because this car can charge electricity while the car is in use.

The battery in a hybrid car will not run out when driving and does not require special maintenance.

The battery's electric power for driving this motorbike is generated from regenerative braking and from the gasoline engine. When braking is carried out, the wheel rotation functions as a generator from motion energy into electrical energy. Then, the electrical energy is stored in the car battery to drive the motor.

So, by knowing the difference between pure electric cars and hybrid cars, it will be easier for you to determine which vehicle is suitable for you to buy.

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